Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The funny things they say .......

Dont you just love those 'out of the blue' things that your children say .... Sometimes at just the time when you need a laugh the most ..... Well, my little gem has contributed a whole heap of laughs to my world, which I have documented in a little black book I call 'our book of laughs' .

I remember begging my mom to read the 'funnies', which we often did at the sunday lunch table .. Although my family is 'slightly' smaller, I hope that we will do the same thing one day :)

I just wanted to share one or two with you and hopefully put a smile on your face today ...

It was my mom's birthday in June, and we had called to wish her a very happy birthday ... of course, that was the intention at least ... When Natalia got the phone, she said to my mom "Oumie, are you as old as the dinosaurs ?" I was silently chuckling in the kitchen imagining my mom's response .. Natalia then looked very blankly at me, handed me the phone and said "i think you need to talk to her mom, she's just squeeking" ... Mom of course, was in hysterics and couldnt talk :)

While on our way to a friend, we happened to be stuck behind a taxi, who's base was obviously set to its max and it made my whole little car vibrate .. Natalia says "oh mommy, you need to get the car fixed, its fizzing under my bum !"

After having the kitty spayed, it obviously took some explaining as to what she was having done .. I explained that her bits that let her have babies needs to come out, which she was not happy about because kittens would have been fun (not) .. Anyway, a few days later she came storming into the kitchen, obviously having been deep in thought about our previous conversation, and exclaimed (with hands on hips) .. "Mommy, we are NOT having Pepper's tonsils taken out" .. (Pepper is our doggie) I was obviously confused and she saw this and said "you know mom, so she can have puppies !"

Last one ......

Natalia has a little coloured girl in her class called Domico, whom she is very fond of. With all the hype of finding the right primary school for the girls, there had obviously been much talk about it. Apparently the kids had discussed it at school too ... When I fetched Natalia from school she said "Mommy, Domico is not going to go to De Hoop Primary School because she's black and she said she cant go there !" To which I said "Tal, Domico is not black, she's coloured and she can go to any school that she wants, even De Hoop" she puts her hands on her hips, sigh's and says "Mom, Domico is ONE colour, and that is Brown, she is NOT a rainbow !!" :)

Now I really have to get back to work .... hope you had a laugh ..

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Hi All,

Welcome to a little piece of our world.
Im looking forward to sharing a bit of our lives with you, and hope that you find some things here that will either make you nod your head, laugh or give you some peace.