Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little Girls and Pink Pony's

It's a day looked forward to with anticipation by each little child and a day that each mother re-lives - the day she brought her precious child into the world.

Natalia has turned six and we had a whole Lotta pink pony fun to celebrate! Here are some pictures of the fun had by all. Big and little girls alike ;)

Rolling hills and lots of colourful little pony's. Isn't this cake lovely?

Natalia has, and has been having for quite some time now ;) a complete love affair with horses. So there really was no two ways about it. A 'My Little Pony' party it had to be!

A table full of little girls - and one little man :)

The weather was wonderful so we decided to set up outside - much to N's total delight. "ooh, I've never had an outside party before" She enthused. (Poor kid, being born in winter has it's hazards - lol)

Coyly, she gazed deeply into the eyes of .......... hundreds of "My Little Pony's"

My little girl can be camera shy, she unfortunately chose today to have one of 'those' days.

She huffed and she puffed .....

As you can see, there ain't no shyness here as she wields her stick to beat the pinata. I was thrilled to see that she was the one who made the first hole that began to release the sweeties. She was thrilled. Her cousin finished it off.

So here is celebrating you Natalia, my baby girl, what joy you have brought into my life. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I love these photos Lisa, please post one of those recent ones you sent me to put on my blog. Thank my girl. love you, momx



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