Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finally ....

After much persuasive influence from my family, I have decided to join the blogging world. Sad as it is to say, this way, we can all keep in touch with what is happening in each others lives ... what happened to phoning ? :)

I just thought I would fill you in our our weekend plans to start off with, before we get onto the serious stuff ...

Today, I have the aweful task of having to spent time in the office ! What a waste of a good Saturday ! Natalia has her dad visiting at the moment, so she is in 7th heaven squeezing him for every "hide and seek" game she can ! Shame, the poor man, he looked at me yesterday after having her for the afternoon and said "Ive just spent 4 hours playing Hide and Seek !" ... Welcome to my world :)

So, she's spending the day with him and new Fiance who is absolutely WONDERFUL ! Natalia adores her and I am SO blessed to have such a kind, sensitive and willing Step-Mother-To-Be for her !

This afternoon, a friend of mine who is a Rally Car Driver is having a race and will be finishing the race close to home, so me and a friend will take the kids down to watch the end of the race ... im sure they'll enjoy that immensely, as will I :)

Tomorrow is yet to be decided. Im hoping to go through to Hermanus this evening and come back tomorrow, but we'll see ......

Here is a picture of my little earth angel, Natalia ! She started Pre School this year and is loving it. With yesterday being the last day of school, she came home with 4 books that I had to read through - shoo !!! But it appears she is doing well. Her teacher's note to me says that she is "very quiet, obedient and a good listener" (I wonder if they have the right kid ! :) )

Have a good weekend all ...

Lisa & Natalia

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Hi All,

Welcome to a little piece of our world.
Im looking forward to sharing a bit of our lives with you, and hope that you find some things here that will either make you nod your head, laugh or give you some peace.