Thursday, April 16, 2009

Contentment .....

A man was walking along the the beach one day, and happened apon fisherman contently lying in his hammock with his rod in the sand, watching his children play.

"What are you doing ?" Asked the stranger,

"Just lying here in my hammock, watching my children play in the sand" said the fisherman

"And what do you do for living that you are here in the middle of the week fishing and playing with your children" ? Asked the stranger

"Well", said the fisherman, "I go out in my little boat once a day, catch one or two fish to feed my family and that's how I live" said the fisherman

"But why dont you work a little harder, catch more fish, sell more fish, have a bigger income, you know, make a business out of your fishing" said the stranger

"Sounds good", said the fisherman, " but what is the end result of this business ... what is it that I hope to achieve with it ?" asked the fisherman .

"Well" Said the stranger, "so that one day you can sit in a hammock on the beach and watch your children play in the sand !"

Aha ....

Perhaps we should all find the contentment with what we have, instead of robbing yourself of precious moments with those you love .....

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