Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Update : Finding Nemo

Hi All

I Know, its been forever since I last updated my Blog Spot - much to my families disgust :) Too much has been happening ...... But none of the bad stuff for now, just the good :)

Sometimes, as a single parent, you often wonder what kind of a parent you are ... are you any good, or are you a terrible parent, did you make the right decision, or not, did you discipline correctly, or where you a bit harsh ....... There isnt enough time to do all the things that probably would happen naturally in a 'normal' home ... eg : I havent had a chance to teach Natalia to ride her bike without the training wheels ...... or to swim properly .... etc etc. I suppose, in a two parent home, you have your husband to bounce things off ..... and his opinion to rest on / count on / consider. Well, family and friends, it is not so in the single parent home. Yes, we can ask someone, but their opinion will be based on what they hear or see and their own experiences .... So I suppose its not the best judge / measuring tool. Im blabbing here .... but you get my drift

Anyway, we were blessed enough to be taken away with friends of ours this weekend. The kids had an absolute ball - there was an indoor warm swimming pool ... I put myself 'out' and actually climbed in the pool with Natalia (mandatory swimming cap on and all - very glamerous) expecting just to play .... well, she was so excited ..... and begged " Oh mommy, now YOU can teach me to swim !" ... (guilt gremlin raises his head) ... and im thinking "yeah, sure baby, like you ever listen to me" .... haha ... Well, I gave her one simple instruction, one I didnt think she would do ... I said "baby, if you want to stay on top of the water, you have to put your face in the water and kick like crazy" ..... Guess what .... A SWIMMER !!! I HAVE A SWIMMER !!!! She was swimming like a little fish the entire time we were there ... She was so proud of herself, and I was so proud of her and more so, I was proud of me :) I taught her ... I taught her to swim !!! WOO HOO ..... All of a sudden, I didnt need anyone's approval or advice .. I had done it and it was very empowering !! Now, I need to dedicate some time to teaching her to ride her bike - when the weather gets better and I actually get her a bike I suppose :)

I will make a concerted effort to update again later this week !!!!!!!!!


Hi All,

Welcome to a little piece of our world.
Im looking forward to sharing a bit of our lives with you, and hope that you find some things here that will either make you nod your head, laugh or give you some peace.